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Cancellation Policy
Please note that if you cancel for your own reasons, the following cancellation fees will be charged.
21 to 8 days before: 10%
7 to 2 days before: 30%
The day before: 80%
On the day: 100%
・If the tour is cancelled due to bad weather, no fee will be charged. However, if the tour is cancelled due to personal reasons, a cancellation fee will be charged. The cancellation fee will be as stated.
・The tour will be held in light rain, but may be cancelled in heavy rain or other severe weather.
・Please contact us and we will do our best to accommodate your requests, such as changing the start time or shortening the time due to bad weather.
・We will take weather conditions into consideration, but due to unexpected changes in the weather, we may have to cut short the schedule and cancel the tour midway. In principle, we will decide to cancel the tour up to the day before, but in the case of sudden changes in the weather or tours with strict standards, we may cancel the tour at the last minute. This is a measure to ensure the safety of the tour. Thank you for your understanding.